Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 2008

This is the first time I have ever experienced "blogging" but I thought it would be a great time to begin creating a site so that I can share with all of you. This is such a turning point in my life and I hope to be able to share my adventures with those I love. As most of you know, I am now entering my last trimester of my pregnancy. I have had a great pregnancy and most of the time I feel great. I have enjoyed and cherished this whole process and can not wait for what is next. Gavin is due in the middle of January and I am busy organizing and purchasing all that is needed. I have also read what seems like every philosophy and guide to raising boys. So many to think about!! Each day I look forward to feeling well and watching my body change as well as enjoying all the movement that occurs with his every movement.

My work and friends have all been a huge support to me and I can not express all of my gratitude. My family has gone above and beyond to provide me with love, reassurances and so much support - but I would not have expected anything else from them!! They are always there for each other.

As the fall quickly moves forward I look forward to sharing the end of this adventure with you and on with the next great journey as I welcome Gavin into this crazy world of mine.