Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 2

Day 2. Noelle and Gavin are both doing well. Don't forget to click on the pictures to get much more detail.

Noelle's Creation

Gavin trying to explain the size of his accomodations over the last nine months.

Mom feels bad and was able to get Gavin an appointment at the day spa for a foot massage.

Gavin's pointing out the final score of the Cardinal's football game. He was as shocked as the rest of us.

Peace Out!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Welcome Gavin Daniels!

Gavin Daniels arrives at 3:56pm on Friday January 9th, 2009 via c-section. He's a healthy baby boy. Mom is doing well.

Here is Gavin's first look at the world.....

Welcome Gavin!!!

We were all surprised he arrived with the fig leaf attached for PG-13 viewing :-)

And in this corner...The undefeated Gavin Daniels weighs in at 6 pounds 11 ounces. Let's get ready to rumble!!!

Cut me some slack! I'm having a
bad hair day. After all, I just rolled out of the womb.

Baby Gavin learns of the recent 40% stock market decline.

After learning of the Obama stimulus package...Gavin is put at ease.
Guest editor -- Jason

The Big Day Arrives At Last!

All systems go! In the final hours awaiting Gavin's arrival.